WordPress Custom Post Types in Gatsby

April 9, 2020

This blog is built as a static site generated with Gatsby, using WordPress to manage the content. Overall, I’m a big fan of both technologies but I have hit a few points of frustration. This isn’t a problem with the architecture, but rather a problem stemming from its novelty. Gatsby + WordPress is new, and […]

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How to Secure the WordPress Admin

July 16, 2020

WordPress is ubiquitous, easy to use, and highly extensible through a wide array of themes and plugins. No doubt these factors are what we love most about the platform, but they also make WordPress a prime target for hackers. Don’t worry; this does not mean we should give up WordPress. There are ways we can […]

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Building for Touch Screens: Interaction Media Queries

January 31, 2020

When you think of a CSS media query, chances are you immediately think of min- or max-width. For most of the history of responsive design, it was enough to check the width of a screen to determine how the page should look and behave. Generally, anything more than 1024px wide was considered a desktop, anything […]

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Reflections on Jamstack Virtual 2020

June 2, 2020

This was my first Jamstack conference, but it may not be my last. For an event that quickly had to pivot from an in-person London event to an online one, the Netlify team did a fantastic job. It felt like it was always meant to be virtual, or at the very least like they had […]

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Increase Resilience with Must-Use Plugins

December 16, 2020

Plugins and themes are the life-blood of WordPress. There are thousands of quality themes and plugins available in the WordPress repository for free, and even more out there on various marketplaces for extraordinarily low prices. Millions of people have made great websites using these tools and little else, and it is undoubtedly the reason for […]

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